Francisco Medrano

Operations - Customer Excellence | CF-L1 Trainer
Francisco Medrano


  • CF-L1 Trainer


What CrossFit means to you:
CrossFit has meant different things at different points in my life to me. It has been an escape, a safe haven away from the chaos of the world and life. It has been inspiration to persevere through difficulties, like a difficult WOD where you are in pain, fatigued, pushed to your limit, but yet find a way to finish. At the end of that hell, you realize that it wasn’t pretty and you wanted to give up, but you kept pushing and you made it through. So with that there’s accomplishment, pride and a sense of belonging to a community where you come to get your butts kicked together. You have to love it.

Why you chose to be a coach at Social Garden:
Reason 1, my coaches. Watching them and how they made class fun and entertaining while teaching correct form and movements. JV pushed and gave me confidence that I could help lead others to better themselves physically and mentally.

Reason 2, unity of the community. You develop friendships and bonds of respect with those who come out and put themselves out there with you everyday. It’s not easy to be vulnerable in front of strangers, but that’s what CrossFit allows its members to do, and it’s beautiful.

Reason 3, I love this shit. The competitive nature, the difficulties and the challenges CrossFit presents. All opportunities to grow.

What movement you don’t want to see in the CrossFit open this year and why:
Burpee Box Jumps because they are terrible cardio and knee killers.

⁠Favorite WOD:
Fran & Grace

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